Monday, March 31, 2014

Screen Free Week!

We have just finished Screen Free Week, and a lot of you told me that you actually chose to read a book before you went to bed! That is GREAT!! The focus of our reading challenge is non-fiction. I would like for you to choose one non-fiction book that you have read this year, and tell me all about it. Remember the new format that you will be graded on. Please remember to type your response on a Word Document before you post it. Remember, I will not post your response if it is does not have at least five 5th grade sentences. You are almost in sixth grade, so you need to make sure you are checking over your spelling, grammar, and making sure your sentences make sense. Have fun with this, and make sure you give me a lot of detail about your book.


  1. The last book I read was about Chinchillas. Did you know that chinchillas are really fast. They can go through tiny holes like under a dresser that is not on the floor all the way. They need to be out of their cage alot because they need alot of excercise. I have chinchillas and they have a big cage. My chinchillas are ebony and grayish whitish and they are both boys. Chinchillas take baths in a type of dust and thats how they clean them selves because they don't have hair in bunches they have 1 strand by 1 strand through out their body. you don't use water to clean them because of the fur/hair.


  2. My book was Phineas Gage. It is a story about a person who was a mine worker. One day he filling a hole in the rock with TNT and was temping it down with his large tamping iron. The his friend asked him a question and as he turned the TNT went off. It sent the tamping iron right through Phineas's cheek and out his forehead. The tamping iron landed thirty yards away after it went through his head. Phineas amazingly survived the accident and went on to live for many more years.

  3. The last non-fiction book I read was Jordan. It talks about how they live in the desert and what they do for work. I really liked this book because how they live in such a hot place and survive out there. I like how they have a big capital and I really want to go there. I think it is really hard for them to live there.


  4. I have read a booked called the Pocket Book on Marbles. This book is about many different types of marbles, big and small. There are tiger-eyed marbles, blue allies, delicate and beautiful rose quartz marbles, and many more. This book taught readers how to use marbles and how they are made. Marbles have been used for hundreds of years. Children all over the world have enjoyed playing with marbles. I found this book to be a very interesting historical and creative. I have never read about marbles before. MJR

  5. The last non-fiction book I read was Israel. Israel is a country in Europe next to Jordon, Lebanon, and Syria to name a few. Did you know that Israel is mostly a Jewish country, but there are some Muslims, and Christians, but mostly Jewish? I also learned the history of Israel. It also said, 'That it wasn’t a country until the mid 1940’s" our years since they have different years then us. There highest temp. ever recorded is 110 F. I wonder if Ms. Brannon would like that??? I really enjoyed reading about Israel because; when I’m older I want to go on a kibbutz there.


  6. My last non-fiction book was about cocoa beans. It was facts about cocoa beans and trees. Did you know that cocoa beans contain anti-oxidants which helps to prevent heart disease? When you have cocoa beans, you can make delicious chocolate . Monkeys open cocoa beans and take out the chocolate.

  7. The fiction book that I just read was The Brixton Brothers and The Case of the Case of the Mistaken Identity. The book is about two friends who solve mysteries around their hometown. Steve and his friend Dana are sleuths who solve a mystery about their teacher, Ms. Gilfeather. Ms. Gilfeather was posing as a teacher, but is really a crook. No one believes him, but in the end they find out that Steve was telling the truth all along.

    BY: Spencer Harrington

  8. Well, I don't remember to much about the last non-fiction book I read, but I remember a little. My non-fiction book was called Volcanoes . I remember that there was a farmer that provided food for the small town he lived in. One day he went out to go pick some corn and then luckily out of the corner of his eye he saw a small opening in the ground, but that opening was getting bigger and it was steaming. The farmer went to go warn his town because he thought it was something dangerous, but he didn't know what it was or how dangerous it was. He told his town to stay in their homes. When he went back the small, now big, opening got huge and little parts of the earth were crumbling and forming into a hill with a whole in the middle. The farmer went back to his home and made lunch. Then he went out to check on the whole and it was gigantic and very, very tall. Suddenly, he new what it was, it was a volcano! The next thing he new the volcano had been poring and spewing out lava. He ran, but not fast enough. He died along with most of the other citizens of the town. Only a couple lived:(That is what my last non-fiction book was about (it was sad).

  9. The last non-fiction book I read was Everyday Life In Ancient Rome. Rome started in the middle of the Iron Age. The myth of how Rome started involves two brothers from Mars, the god of war. Mars cast them out into the woods and a Shewolf found and raise them. When they were adults they found 7 hills and started to build Rome on it. Romulus and Remus were their names. Romulus killed Remus over who should rule Rome.
    The Romans started their day off by having breakfast, then went to exercise, then to the bath houses and then they went to the market, home or to their jobs. Rome was one of the biggest cities in ancient times. The markets of Rome were usually crowded with carts, shoppers and shopkeepers. All of the meat they bought was butchered when the customer bought it. A delicacy in Rome was Sow Udders which the people enjoyed. There were two classes in Rome, the poor which were supplied with bread by the emperor and his politicals and the rich who had furniture, paintings and could buy their own food and had slaves. Rome was also known for its military power. There were several classes of Roman soldiers: Legionaries and Centurians. The Centurians led 100 troops and were in charge of a providence in Rome. One of the emperors built the Colosium for the entertainment of the Romans. Gladiators fought to the death in the arena, with each other or with animals. Gladiators were trained at a young age and were fierce. They were either slaves, criminals or captures of war. Rome was an exciting city with much more to share, but was unfortunately destroyed.


  10. My really cool non-fiction book that I last read was about one of the most coolest creatures on earth manatees. Manatees are like under water sea cows, and they aren’t harmful at all because they cry. Also manatees ancestors used to live on land. Now they live under water because a long long time ago they’d go under water to eat their favorite plant. And over that time their bodies changed to let them go under water making it easier for them to eat the plants. And as a baby, manatees were very small and so were their eyes, and as an adult their eyes only get a little bigger. And to give birth to a baby, a male and female need to give birth to one, and to tell that two are mating the male is on the females back. Manatees sleep at the bottom of a shallow river for about five to ten minutes top. Finally manatees will lose more teeth and grow them back quicker than a human because they’re really soft, and they eat a lot of plants which makes their teeth fall out. BS

  11. The last non fiction book I read was an "I survived" book about a shark attack in 1916. A 10 year old boy names Chet lived by a creek near the Jersey shore. He and his friends swam in the creek all the time an weren't worried about sharks even though there was one killing people in the ocean nearby. One day Chet went swimming and thought he bumped into something big or that something bumped into him. He saw that it was a shark and it had scrapped up his chest. When he tried to warn everyone in town they thought he was crazy. He went to get help from a captain that everyone thought was crazy and he sent Chet to warn everyone at the swimming hole. They all thought he was nuts until they saw the shark. Everyone got out of the water except one of his friends who was stunned. Chet jumped into the water to save him and almost made it out but the shark grabbed his leg as he was pulling himself onto the dock. The captain shot the shark as he was trying to grab Chet again after he freed himself. The book was boring until then end when it got to the part where the shark attack happened.


  12. I hope you are doing well AT. We miss you and hope you are doing well and your new school! I hope you like the book The Twits. It's a great book!
